Send Range To pasTransfer




Send Range To pasTransfer is used to send a Range Profile, generated with the Range Profile Manager, to the pasTransfer product.



Transfer Type - The transfer type for the desired XML.


Range Profile - The name of the range profile used to process the current excel worksheet.


Override Endpoint - Overriding the endpoint will allow connection to a different instance of pasTransfer then when it specified in the Range Profile.


Endpoint Name - The name of the desired endpoint.  This will allow pasFusion to connect to the local instance of pasTransfer or connect remotely to a different machine.


Machine Name - The name of the computer to connect to the endpoint.  The default value is the current machines name.


Source Configuration Name -  TODO - Source Configuration is not necessary.  Remove it from the range profile manager.  The source configuration will need to be a configuration set up to use pasXML.


Destination Configuration Name - The name of the destination configuration.  The configuration must be set up through the pasTransfer product.  It must also be successfully ran through at least one time to save all configuration options.


After filling out all of the required fields, clicking the "Send To Transfer" button will process the range profile and excel worksheet through pasTransfer, saving the resulting file by the name specified in the Range Profile in the format specified by the destination configuration.


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